I'll be out of pocket for a few days while we move into our new home. Our internet won't be connected until Tuesday. I planned on having some posts prepared ahead of time to post over the weekend but I've been so busy packing and running errands trying to get ready for this move, I just haven't had the time.
I am way behind on reading blogs and commenting too so if you haven't heard from me in awhile...that's why!
You have to come back...I have something special to share with you!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Closing - not tomorrow :-(
Found out we are definitely not going to close tomorrow on our house. May be Friday - may not. Who knows at this point. Everything is in place...just waiting on the underwriter's final seal of approval and then we are good to go.
Of course I was disappointed about this yesterday and this morning until I received a tremendous blessing from God today and it reminded me once again how He is in control. We have put out a lot of money in the last month and we are running real tight until this Friday - payday. We know we have to have a certain amount at closing and we still have that mess we have to straighten out at our water department (which I've just put off out of sheer bull-headedness!) so we have really been watching our money the last two weeks. Closing was set for Thursday (the day BEFORE payday) and we don't float checks so we had to make absolute sure the money was in the bank.
This morning I received a call from a friend informing me about a great deal on groceries. I got $630.00 worth of groceries for $84.00 today! Go check out that story here.
Now that closing isn't going to be until Friday or next week I had the money free to be able to do that. Praise God! This was a wonderful blessing indeed!!
Of course I was disappointed about this yesterday and this morning until I received a tremendous blessing from God today and it reminded me once again how He is in control. We have put out a lot of money in the last month and we are running real tight until this Friday - payday. We know we have to have a certain amount at closing and we still have that mess we have to straighten out at our water department (which I've just put off out of sheer bull-headedness!) so we have really been watching our money the last two weeks. Closing was set for Thursday (the day BEFORE payday) and we don't float checks so we had to make absolute sure the money was in the bank.
This morning I received a call from a friend informing me about a great deal on groceries. I got $630.00 worth of groceries for $84.00 today! Go check out that story here.
Now that closing isn't going to be until Friday or next week I had the money free to be able to do that. Praise God! This was a wonderful blessing indeed!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Toon-ful Tuesday
Monday, August 25, 2008
Closing on our new house

- We are supposed to have closing at 9:00 a.m. this Thursday.
- We have the Uhaul truck rented for Friday.
- Power and water are set to be turned on Thursday.
- I have a friend who is preparing to move (who needs boxes) all ready to come pick up my boxes as I unpack this weekend.
Can you feel my frustration screaming through the computer monitor?
This is really getting to be funny
I know my last three blog posts have been about this Tropical Storm Fay (now just being referred to as the "remnants of Fay") but that's because it is really funny how far off the mark our weather forecasters were for this storm!
We were told to expect upwards of 12" of rain Saturday and Sunday and winds in excess of 30 mph. Saturday was drizzly and misty all day and a little breezy...surf was flat. Sunday was BEAUTIFUL! We drove out to the beach after church. It was breezy, but really no more than normal. Then...get this - woke up this morning thinking the storm was past us and found out we are under flood watches and tornado watches all day and it storms on us most of the day - we got several inches of rain! Isn't this crazy??! LOL
The water felt sooooo nice - Dakota got his pants wet- we made him ride in the bed of the truck down the beach a little bit to dry off his pants a little bit!
We were told to expect upwards of 12" of rain Saturday and Sunday and winds in excess of 30 mph. Saturday was drizzly and misty all day and a little breezy...surf was flat. Sunday was BEAUTIFUL! We drove out to the beach after church. It was breezy, but really no more than normal. Then...get this - woke up this morning thinking the storm was past us and found out we are under flood watches and tornado watches all day and it storms on us most of the day - we got several inches of rain! Isn't this crazy??! LOL
Anyway, here are some pictures from the beach yesterday. Red flags were flying which means you have to stay out of the Gulf because of rip tides. Lifeguards were chasing people out the whole time we were there. They let surfers stay in the water though. Surfers never drown out here - it's mainly out-of-towners that always drown because they don't know how to get out of the rip tides. FYI: If you ever get caught in a rip tide - DON'T FIGHT IT! Let the water carry you out and it will release you and then you can swim parallel to the shore away from the rip tide area and then swim back in to the shore.
Greg and Dakota throwing the football - I mainly put this picture on here because I thought the chick behind my honey was funny....the wind blowing her clothes and hair.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sleep, eat, watch movies
What is it with rainy days that makes you want to eat and sleep?? Geez! We woke up this morning to almost sunny skies and windy conditions. I love the wind! I kept walking my dog until around 11:00 when the misty, drizzly rain started and it's been that way ever since. All we've done all day is eat and lay around watching movies or sleep. The worst of our weather from Tropical Storm Fay is coming in tonight.
I woke up this morning ready to drive out to the beach with Dakota to walk on our fishing pier and watch the huge waves that come in with these storms but after watching the news I found out the winds were coming out of the north and the surf was completely flat! What the heck is up with that?? When Dakota got up he asked if we were going out there. He loves doing that too. When I gave him the bad news he was as bummed as I was. Unfortunately the wave action will be coming in tomorrow morning with the worst of the weather.
Sunset at the beach before the infamous Hurricane Ivan hits us - we suffered terribly from this hurricane in September 2004.
Dakota and I went to walk the fishing pier before Hurricane Rita came in 2005. I took this picture with my cell phone. The thing that we love about going out there is this pier is about 20 feet above the water but when these storms come in the waves splash right up under the pier. It's amazing how high the waves get! Officials actually block off the very end of the pier because waves crash over the end. We were getting wet standing out here.
I woke up this morning ready to drive out to the beach with Dakota to walk on our fishing pier and watch the huge waves that come in with these storms but after watching the news I found out the winds were coming out of the north and the surf was completely flat! What the heck is up with that?? When Dakota got up he asked if we were going out there. He loves doing that too. When I gave him the bad news he was as bummed as I was. Unfortunately the wave action will be coming in tomorrow morning with the worst of the weather.
Now for a little Tropical Storm/Hurricane Flashback
Dakota being silly at the beach in August 2004 the day before Tropical Storm Bonnie
Friday, August 22, 2008
Looks like we are in for a wet weekend after all...

Tropical Storm Fay hasn't been a laughing matter to the people living further south of me in my state of Florida. They have taken a beating over the last two days. I can't believe how much rain they've received - some places over 30"!

Prayer Request for a friend
I went to lunch with my dearest friend in the whole world yesterday. If you've been following my blog for very long you know that my friend has cancer. She had stage 4 ovarian cancer 6 years ago and beat it. It has reappeared this year and she's been going through chemo the last couple of months.
She has been struggling so much. This is only the second time we have been able to get together to just sit and talk in the last three months because she is in pain all the time and spends so much time in bed. When she first started her chemo she was on three different chemo drugs - she has now had allergic reactions to two of them and her cancer counts have climbed...which means her cancer is growing inside of her instead of going away.
My precious dear friend is struggling with decisions and needs prayer. She has a wonderful family at home who has taken over everything. Her two daughters are 19 and 18 yrs old and they have taken much of the responsibility of looking after their little brother who will be 2 in November. This is the most loving family you'll ever meet. It breaks my heart to watch them go through this one time...now to watch them go through this a second time just makes you question why? I know everything happens for a reason and God's plans are greater than ours...
It's hard ya'll!
She has been struggling so much. This is only the second time we have been able to get together to just sit and talk in the last three months because she is in pain all the time and spends so much time in bed. When she first started her chemo she was on three different chemo drugs - she has now had allergic reactions to two of them and her cancer counts have climbed...which means her cancer is growing inside of her instead of going away.
My precious dear friend is struggling with decisions and needs prayer. She has a wonderful family at home who has taken over everything. Her two daughters are 19 and 18 yrs old and they have taken much of the responsibility of looking after their little brother who will be 2 in November. This is the most loving family you'll ever meet. It breaks my heart to watch them go through this one time...now to watch them go through this a second time just makes you question why? I know everything happens for a reason and God's plans are greater than ours...
It's hard ya'll!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Stick to your guns son
Recently Dakota was in a position where he and a few others (friends/family) were playing a Truth or Dare game. I personally despise this game and opted out of playing when they invited me to play. It wasn't long before the whole group came to find us - Greg & I - to get our assistance in making Dakota play along the right way.
The premise behind this game is when it's your turn you choose to tell the truth or take a dare and the other players can ask you anything for your truth or demand you to do anything for your dare. Apparently Dakota didn't agree with some of the things they were telling him to do so he just wasn't doing them. They were starting to ridicule him; he was beginning to get upset...see why I don't like this game?
I asked them what exactly they were trying to have him do. I was a little shocked myself when they told me and slightly embarrassed (and for that reason I'm not going to put it on here) so I told Dakota in front of them how proud I was of him for standing up for his morals and not going along with the crowd and caving in to peer pressure just because they were ridiculing him. I let him know he was making the right decision and he has no reason to feel bad for standing up for himself over a ridiculous game. It was amazing to watch the transformation come over him as I spoke to him...he stood a little taller and didn't look as dejected as when he had first come out to me.
The premise behind this game is when it's your turn you choose to tell the truth or take a dare and the other players can ask you anything for your truth or demand you to do anything for your dare. Apparently Dakota didn't agree with some of the things they were telling him to do so he just wasn't doing them. They were starting to ridicule him; he was beginning to get upset...see why I don't like this game?
I asked them what exactly they were trying to have him do. I was a little shocked myself when they told me and slightly embarrassed (and for that reason I'm not going to put it on here) so I told Dakota in front of them how proud I was of him for standing up for his morals and not going along with the crowd and caving in to peer pressure just because they were ridiculing him. I let him know he was making the right decision and he has no reason to feel bad for standing up for himself over a ridiculous game. It was amazing to watch the transformation come over him as I spoke to him...he stood a little taller and didn't look as dejected as when he had first come out to me.
Dakota has gotten to where he's been helping our Children's Director every Sunday morning in our Children's Worship service instead of coming into Adult Worship. He loves being in there helping. I sometimes wonder if he is doing that just to get out of going to "big" church but he seems to take such ownership and responsibility of that job that I've let him continue doing it. I've talked to the Children's Director and told her to let me know if he is ever in the way or not helping and I will make him come with me into Worship.
I received this email from her Monday morning:
Thank you so much for letting Dakota help in Children's Church. He is such a blessing and an awesome helper!!!! He is great with the kids and doesn't let them play around when they are supposed to be listening. He knows how to redirect them in a great way. :) He is like having an adult in there helping. Just wanted to brag on him.
I'm so proud of my little guy! Ummm, I mean my young man!
I received this email from her Monday morning:
Thank you so much for letting Dakota help in Children's Church. He is such a blessing and an awesome helper!!!! He is great with the kids and doesn't let them play around when they are supposed to be listening. He knows how to redirect them in a great way. :) He is like having an adult in there helping. Just wanted to brag on him.
I'm so proud of my little guy! Ummm, I mean my young man!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dividing up this blog
I've been trying to decide what to do about my blog. I have a lot of information I cram into one blog that I know not everybody is interested in. For that reason I've decided to separate this blog into three.
- My Journey Begins Now (keep this for my personal, everyday life ramblings)
- Homeschooling is Our Life - Dakota and I will work on this one together once we start school in September (after we move into our new house)
- Addicted To Savings this is where I'll be posting all the deals, sales, etc I've started posting about regularly - so if you want to keep up with this make sure you subscribe to this blog.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Toon-ful Tuesday
Sunday, August 17, 2008
CVS Deals 8/17-8/23

I've heard these sales may end Thursday - but I will have to check with my local CVS to verify that.
Here's the sales/printable coupons to match for this week regardless if these sales end Thursday or Saturday...you still have a few days to take advantage of these sales. As usual, to see ALL the sales - you can pick up a flyer in your local CVS store.
**As soon as I get my own copy I will post some scenarios/deal ideas!
$1 ecb wyb Mens Speed Stick 24/7 ($3.99) Limit 5
- $1 Mens Speed Stick 24/7 printable
$3 ecb wyb Dove SkinVitalizer ( $9.99 ) Limit 5
Buy SkinVitalizer with 14 Count Refill of Dove Cleansing Pillows and save $3.50 printable
$4.00 ECB when you purchase 2 SlimFast Optima bars or shakes 6 ct @ $6.49 each
-$1.25 off any (1) 6pk of bars or drink printable
Buy One Get One Free
Maxwell House
-$1.00 off printable coupon
Wet Ones 40 ct $2.99
-.75 off printable coupon
FREE Mamma Mia Soundtrack by mail with the purchase of 2 ponds products and ECB card
*receive automatically in mail allow 8-12 weeks
Still Need School Supplies?
Office Depot
Sunday - Wednesday Only
Acrylic Ruler - .10 each - Limit 5
Washable Glue - .20 each - Limit 5
12 pk Pencils - .50 each - Limit 5
Paper Mate Ballpoint Pens 10 pk - .50 each - Limit 5
6pk Spiral Notebooks - .99/6pk - limit 5
FREE ITEM (after Mail-in-Rebate)
Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Markers - 5pk - $4.49 - Limit 1
Office Max
Elmer's Glue - .01 each - Limit 3
12 pk Pencils - .10 each - Limit 2
Spiral Notebook - .10 each - Limit 10
Crayola crayons 24 pk - .20 each - Limit 2
2 pocket poly folder/portfolio - .25 each - Limit 10
12 pk Bic pens - .25 each - Limit 2
Sunday - Wednesday Only
Acrylic Ruler - .10 each - Limit 5
Washable Glue - .20 each - Limit 5
12 pk Pencils - .50 each - Limit 5
Paper Mate Ballpoint Pens 10 pk - .50 each - Limit 5
6pk Spiral Notebooks - .99/6pk - limit 5
FREE ITEM (after Mail-in-Rebate)
Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Markers - 5pk - $4.49 - Limit 1
Office Max
Elmer's Glue - .01 each - Limit 3
12 pk Pencils - .10 each - Limit 2
Spiral Notebook - .10 each - Limit 10
Crayola crayons 24 pk - .20 each - Limit 2
2 pocket poly folder/portfolio - .25 each - Limit 10
12 pk Bic pens - .25 each - Limit 2
Too much media??
One of the wonderful attributes of living along the glorious Gulf Coast is keeping a watchful eye on The Weather Channel from June 1st - November 30th every year. Everybody around here knows that's Hurricane Season.
I used to follow these storms from the time they formed until they made landfall or dissipated way out in the eastern Atlantic. Now though the media drives me crazy with all the hype and the "panic" they build in people - the whole time the storm is traversing across the open waters the meteorologists are making their predictions and posting their charts and putting everybody on alert - and these last few storms have turned out to be so minor.
So now there's another one out there - Tropical Storm Fay. This was the chart posted on our newspaper's front page Saturday morning. Okay, to look at that (looks like it could be headed towards Pensacola - where I live) doesn't look to promising.
Here's the picture from today-- looking a little better for us. Guess we will see how this thing plays out over the next week. Oh yeah and I refuse to look at the updates on this storm except once in the morning and once in the evening!
I used to follow these storms from the time they formed until they made landfall or dissipated way out in the eastern Atlantic. Now though the media drives me crazy with all the hype and the "panic" they build in people - the whole time the storm is traversing across the open waters the meteorologists are making their predictions and posting their charts and putting everybody on alert - and these last few storms have turned out to be so minor.
So now there's another one out there - Tropical Storm Fay. This was the chart posted on our newspaper's front page Saturday morning. Okay, to look at that (looks like it could be headed towards Pensacola - where I live) doesn't look to promising.

Bowling Fun
Generally we've always let the kids have a birthday party every other year. This year was Dakota's year to have a party with his friends. He decided he would like a bowling party. When he made out his invitation list he had all boys on there at first. I knew he had several girls in the youth department he was friends with so I asked if he wanted to invite any of the girls...his response "Sure, I guess."
I began to get scared when the RSVP's started coming in and the only ones who seemed to be coming at first were GIRLS! Uh-oh...I don't think that would go over very well! Praise God though some of his guy pals were able to make it and they all had a great time.
We had three lanes and 18 bowlers - I realized later I didn't even pay attention to how well (or not) anybody did!
Brianna (my stepdaughter) trying to hold on to Bailee (my granddaughter) - Bailee was the center of attention as she went from one person to the next...cheering Dakota on and clapping and encouraging him the entire time. She LOVES Dakota!
Jackie and Brittany - I had to sneak this picture - they always run and hide from me when I am trying to take their picture! They are sweet girls and friends of Dakota's.
Bailee is pointing to Dakota on the other side of the table as he is opening his presents. She wants to be closer to Dakota. Tina, Bryant and Bailee just drove from CA last week and arrived in town Friday evening. They are moving to their new home in GA this next week!
Bailee went over to Pops (Greg) and begged for him to pick her up...guess she figured that was as close as she could get to Dakota for right now. LOL
Tina & Bryant were staying at the beach house again so after the party we went to hang out with them for awhile. Dakota's best friend (Jacob - here with him in the hammock) came home with us after the party and spent the night with Dakota. It cracks me up how much Dakota and Jacob look alike - except Jacob is much smaller. Dakota is 4 mos older than him.
I began to get scared when the RSVP's started coming in and the only ones who seemed to be coming at first were GIRLS! Uh-oh...I don't think that would go over very well! Praise God though some of his guy pals were able to make it and they all had a great time.
Dakota's youth pastor Jesse and his fiance' Jessie (she just had her wisdom teeth out so she was in a little pain) - Dakota adores these two - I am so glad they showed up for awhile!
Friday, August 15, 2008

Obama button - yours for the asking
Every Child Matters sample kit - includes:
1 "Ask the Candidates" Card
1 "I'm Voting for Kids" bumpersticker
1 "I'm Voting for Grandkids" bumpersticker
Texas Citrus - Free Cookbooks, kids activity books, stickers, pencils, etc

Cell phone holder - limited time offer
Gas-X thin strips sample offer
Dryer Vent Safety Tool
Meow Mix Wholesome Goodness cat food
Medela Breastmilk Bottle
Thanks to Amy at MomAdvice for this information:
"Get absolutely FREE lifetime membership in any of our 25 local Freepeats groups today (8/14) through next Wednesday (8/20). Now is the perfect time to sign up and pass on some of the gently-used toys, books, baby gear, maternity stuff, baby clothes, formula samples, baby coupons, etc. that are taking up space in your house. Posting them on Freepeats is an ever-so-green way to clear the clutter! You can pick up some great FREE baby, kid and maternity items locally through listings you find on Freepeats, too.
Freepeats groups are open in 25 major cities across the country. You'll find a list of those cities here. If your city has a group, just click here and register. This isn't a free trial, either. Once you join Freepeats, you're in for as long as you like."
Thursday, August 14, 2008
House Update and PICTURES
Everyday seems to bring a dose of bad news and then good news. This whole house-buying thing is a roller-coaster ride! For now, our closing is set for August 28th. I am praying that everything continues to move forward and we can close then because Greg has taken that weekend off of work, the Uhaul's been rented and the utilities are set to be turned on beginning 8/28.
I spent over an hour at the bank yesterday with our mortgage loan processor - working on the numbers and re-figuring details. When I first went to get pre-approved we qualified for 100% financing due to a 1st time homebuyers bond (for $10,000) that would pay our downpayment and closing costs. When I went by the bank yesterday to drop off a check to pay for the appraisal, our mortgage processor told us that when she was inputting the information into the computer again it kicked us out for being allowed a $10,000 bond saying Greg made too much money. Now we are only qualifying for a $5,000 bond....yikes!
My heart sank when she first told me that because I was thinking of the money we had already put out, what we knew we still had to put out and all I could think of was "we don't have $5,000 to lay our hands on to cover anything else!" After going over the contract together with a fine tooth comb (and calling our realtor to get clarification on a few things as to what the seller is paying for and what we are paying for) we got it down to we are only going to have to pay $867.00 on the day of closing. Okay, I can handle this...whooo, that was close! Then on the way home I remembered we paid $500 good faith money (which we were told was going to be used for closing costs) so I called our mortgage lady and asked her about that and she said yes, I can subtract the $500 from the $867 - oh Praise God!!
Countdown / Timeline to having our own home!!
Standing from the dining area looking towards the back door (on the left beside the refrigerator) and the utility room is beyond the kitchen on the right hand side.
Standing in the kitchen looking in the dining area and through to the living room and the front door.
Back porch - I love this because it is covered and nobody can see us when we are sitting out here. The other units (on either side of us don't have covered back porches)
I spent over an hour at the bank yesterday with our mortgage loan processor - working on the numbers and re-figuring details. When I first went to get pre-approved we qualified for 100% financing due to a 1st time homebuyers bond (for $10,000) that would pay our downpayment and closing costs. When I went by the bank yesterday to drop off a check to pay for the appraisal, our mortgage processor told us that when she was inputting the information into the computer again it kicked us out for being allowed a $10,000 bond saying Greg made too much money. Now we are only qualifying for a $5,000 bond....yikes!
My heart sank when she first told me that because I was thinking of the money we had already put out, what we knew we still had to put out and all I could think of was "we don't have $5,000 to lay our hands on to cover anything else!" After going over the contract together with a fine tooth comb (and calling our realtor to get clarification on a few things as to what the seller is paying for and what we are paying for) we got it down to we are only going to have to pay $867.00 on the day of closing. Okay, I can handle this...whooo, that was close! Then on the way home I remembered we paid $500 good faith money (which we were told was going to be used for closing costs) so I called our mortgage lady and asked her about that and she said yes, I can subtract the $500 from the $867 - oh Praise God!!
Countdown / Timeline to having our own home!!
- Contract submitted 7/30/08
- Seller sends back another price - he doesn't agree with our offer - 8/1/08
- We counteroffer with another price and seller accepts- 8/3/08
- Inform the mortgage processor at bank and fax her the contract - 8/4/08
- Pay good faith money; sign lots of papers at realtors' office - 8/6/08
- Home Inspection completed - 8/7/08
- Received home inspection report; informed the realtor 2 things we wanted fixed - 8/9/08
- Two issues from home inspection fixed - 8/12/08
- Appraisal ordered - 8/12/08
- Discovered the change in bond issuance; reworked loan papers - 8/13/08
- Waiting on appraisal from bank, pest inspection and survey from seller....
We are buying the middle section in a triplex (hence the two large walls on either side)

Want a Date Night on Axe & Walgreens?
I totally missed this when I was looking through my Walgreen's flyer on Sunday! When looking back through it this morning to plan my shopping trip for tomorrow I discovered this nice little promotion:
Buy Axe products (Body spray, shower gel or anti-perspirant/deodorant) for $3.99
This is really a great deal! For $15.96 I can get plenty of Axe for Dakota (which he uses anyway) and get 2 free movie tickets (date night for Greg & I!!)
Buy Axe products (Body spray, shower gel or anti-perspirant/deodorant) for $3.99
- Buy 3, Get 1 movie ticket
- Buy 4, Get 2 movie tickets
This is really a great deal! For $15.96 I can get plenty of Axe for Dakota (which he uses anyway) and get 2 free movie tickets (date night for Greg & I!!)
Redbox - movie rentals

Pictures from Dakota's Birthday
Dakota is having a bowling party on Saturday with his friends. Yesterday (his birthday), he and I spent the day together out and about town. I took him shopping and let him pick out a few things he wanted. He is of the age now it is really hard to buy gifts for him unless we just give him gift cards to his favorite store - EB Games or GameStop! He told me three things he wanted and (since all three fell within the price range of what we were going to spend on his gift) he was able to get them all. He was a happy boy last night!
Yes he is ALL boy! These are two of his gifts - a Nerf gun with a laser pointer that shoots out these Nerf "thingies" and another gun that just makes loud, annoying noises when you shoot it. I know this because I got to hear it ALL DAY YESTERDAY!
Dakota wants a cookie cake for Saturday's party - or a cake with a picture of him and Jet (our dog) on it so I had to take this picture of the two of them.
Yes he is ALL boy! These are two of his gifts - a Nerf gun with a laser pointer that shoots out these Nerf "thingies" and another gun that just makes loud, annoying noises when you shoot it. I know this because I got to hear it ALL DAY YESTERDAY!
This is what Dakota looked like last night as he was waiting for his dad to come out of the bathroom...can you say "Attack!"??
He chose this cake - a Cookies 'n Cream cake - a chocolate lovers dream. Hmmmm, I think he did this because he knows I don't like chocolate very much and his daddy can't eat sweets like this!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Dakota
October 21st, 1995 - Greg and I got married after being friends for 4 years. We were blending two families into one. He had an 8-yr-old son and a 4-yr-old daughter. I had a 10-yr-old son and 8-yr-old twin daughters. We met when our 8-yr-olds started Four-yr-old kindergarten together and decided they liked to hang out so our families began to go to each other's parties and get-togethers. I was already divorced; Greg's wife left him by the time the kids were in 1st grade. Because the kids were friends we continued to be friends and get the kids together from time to time and the rest is history...
I had been a single mom for five years, going to college, working and raising the kids, with help from my parents. I graduated college, graduated medical assistant school and landed a dream job at a Dialysis Center where I'd been working for two years by the time I got married.
Before I graduated college I kept applying for Nursing School - but there were so many applicants every year that enrollment was set up on a lottery system and my number was never called...until I was set to be married! Then I received word that I was chosen and I was to begin the program in January 2006. Two long years right AFTER I had just gotten married - right AFTER we had just blended this huge family - and right AFTER I'd been working in this job I really loved for two years already.
After the wonderful wedding we had, we left for our week-long honeymoon in Pigeon Forge, TN. While on our honeymoon we discussed this continually because there was so much riding on this decision. We both decided we wanted to have a child together. My oldest was 10 already. If I waited to have another child until after nursing school that would have meant at least three more years which would have put a 13-14 yr gap between the kids. That was something I didn't want. We decided I would put off nursing school and try to have a child.
Guess God was on our side...three weeks later I was pregnant!

Before we even knew I was pregnant, Greg said "If we have another baby and it's a boy I want to name him Dakota." We let the kids pick out his middle name. There was lots of discussion over that but it was finally settled on - DAKOTA RYAN - so much love (and "arguing" went in to choosing his name) - but everyone was happy in the end. Our boy is now affectionately called
Kota and dad in October 2005 - Greg and I went on a 2 week trip for our 10-yr-anniversary and we decided a couple of days before we left that we wanted to take Kota with us. He is such a joy to travel with! He loves to travel and takes in everything around him with wonder and amazement. We would have been miserable without sharing this with him.
Kota playing in the water hose in July 2008 - he was playing with his 20-mo-old niece outside in the mud. He is THE BEST uncle in the whole world!!
So, today is your day Dakota - Happy 12th! I love you, daddy loves you, your sisters and brothers love you. You started getting phone calls yesterday from family members who want to take you out and celebrate your special day with you - why? Because you are a special boy...loved by many! I can't wait to see what God has in store for you this next year as you continue to grow and mature into the Godly young man I see you becoming. I love you...mom
I had been a single mom for five years, going to college, working and raising the kids, with help from my parents. I graduated college, graduated medical assistant school and landed a dream job at a Dialysis Center where I'd been working for two years by the time I got married.
Before I graduated college I kept applying for Nursing School - but there were so many applicants every year that enrollment was set up on a lottery system and my number was never called...until I was set to be married! Then I received word that I was chosen and I was to begin the program in January 2006. Two long years right AFTER I had just gotten married - right AFTER we had just blended this huge family - and right AFTER I'd been working in this job I really loved for two years already.
After the wonderful wedding we had, we left for our week-long honeymoon in Pigeon Forge, TN. While on our honeymoon we discussed this continually because there was so much riding on this decision. We both decided we wanted to have a child together. My oldest was 10 already. If I waited to have another child until after nursing school that would have meant at least three more years which would have put a 13-14 yr gap between the kids. That was something I didn't want. We decided I would put off nursing school and try to have a child.
Guess God was on our side...three weeks later I was pregnant!
Dakota Ryan was born August 13th, 1996 - amid MUCH love and fanfare!

Before we even knew I was pregnant, Greg said "If we have another baby and it's a boy I want to name him Dakota." We let the kids pick out his middle name. There was lots of discussion over that but it was finally settled on - DAKOTA RYAN - so much love (and "arguing" went in to choosing his name) - but everyone was happy in the end. Our boy is now affectionately called
This is Kota and I in 2000
This is Kota and I in 2000
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Pink Coupon Bar
Did you know you can print AWESOME coupons right from that pink coupon bar in my right-hand column over there??
Here's a list of some of the coupons you can print this week:
Personal Care
-$2.00 Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Moisturizer
-$2.00 Dove Clinical Protection Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant
-$1.00 Pert Plus
-$1.00 Lever 2000 Body Wash
-$1.00 Eucerin Body Lotion
-$1.00 Neutrogena Hand Cream
-$4.00 Alaway Eye drops
-$2.00 Bayer Heart Advantage
-$1.00 off 2 Bic stationary products
-$2.00 off 2 Oust Air Sanitizers
-$.50 off any 1 Ruffies trash bags
-$.50 off 2 Viva single roll paper towels or 1 multi-roll pack
-$1.00 off Balmex diaper rash product
-$1.50 off Huggies Little Swimmers
-$1.50 off Tava 4pk
-$2.00 off 2 Gourmet Dining skillet meals
-$1.00 off Orville Redenbacher's popcorn cakes
-$1.00 off Perdue Short Cuts Chicken Breast strips
-$1.00 off Hershey's Bliss chocolate (8.6 oz bags or larger)
-$.55 off Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal
-$.75 off Assorted Cheerios cereals
-$.75 off Cocoa Puffs cereal
-$.75 off Assorted Total cereals
-$.60 off 1 box Fiber One bars
-$1.00 off 2 Go-gurts
-$1.00 off 4pk YoPlus yogurt
-$.75 off Fiber One cereals
-$1.10 off any 3 Hamburger Helper Microwave single cups or One Hamburger Helper Microwave Pack
-$.60 Cheerios Snack Mix
-$.75 Curves chewy granola bars
Here's a list of some of the coupons you can print this week:
Personal Care
-$2.00 Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Moisturizer
-$2.00 Dove Clinical Protection Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant
-$1.00 Pert Plus
-$1.00 Lever 2000 Body Wash
-$1.00 Eucerin Body Lotion
-$1.00 Neutrogena Hand Cream
-$4.00 Alaway Eye drops
-$2.00 Bayer Heart Advantage
-$1.00 off 2 Bic stationary products
-$2.00 off 2 Oust Air Sanitizers
-$.50 off any 1 Ruffies trash bags
-$.50 off 2 Viva single roll paper towels or 1 multi-roll pack
-$1.00 off Balmex diaper rash product
-$1.50 off Huggies Little Swimmers
-$1.50 off Tava 4pk
-$2.00 off 2 Gourmet Dining skillet meals
-$1.00 off Orville Redenbacher's popcorn cakes
-$1.00 off Perdue Short Cuts Chicken Breast strips
-$1.00 off Hershey's Bliss chocolate (8.6 oz bags or larger)
-$.55 off Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal
-$.75 off Assorted Cheerios cereals
-$.75 off Cocoa Puffs cereal
-$.75 off Assorted Total cereals
-$.60 off 1 box Fiber One bars
-$1.00 off 2 Go-gurts
-$1.00 off 4pk YoPlus yogurt
-$.75 off Fiber One cereals
-$1.10 off any 3 Hamburger Helper Microwave single cups or One Hamburger Helper Microwave Pack
-$.60 Cheerios Snack Mix
-$.75 Curves chewy granola bars
Walgreen's Deals 8/10-8/16

Food Items:
Hershey's Bliss is on sale for 2/$6. There is a $1/1 coupon here. There is also a $1/1 off printable here. There is a $2/2 Easy Saver coupon . There is also an Easy Saver Rebate for $5.00 back when you purchase $10.00 of Hershey's products.
Buy 4 bags and the scenario looks like this:
4 bags = $12.00
-$4.00 printable coupons
-$4.00 Easy Saver coupons
-$5.00 rebate
=OVERAGE of $1.00
Curves Granola Bars: 2/$4.00
Use with the $.75 off coupon found in the pink coupon printer to the RIGHT (in my sidebar), or the printables found here, here or here.
Final Price: $1.25 each
Fiber One Bars: 2/$4.00
Use with the $.75 off coupon in the pink coupon printer to the right (in my sidebar), or here, here or here.
Final Price: $1.25
Household/Personal Items
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner is on sale Buy 1, Get 1 Free at 2/$2.79. Use (2) $.50 off MC in 6/22 SS or printable here. Final Price: 2/$1.79
Scott Bathroom Tissue In-Ad coupon $1.99
printable coupon for $1.00 off
Final Price is $.99 for 4 rolls
Bic Soleil Razor or Cartridges are $5.99. Use $2/1 Easy Saver coupon. Then use the $3/1 from the 8/10 coupon insert. Final Price is $.99.
Aquafresh Toothpaste is on sale Buy 1, Get 1 Free, priced at $2.19 (with in-ad coupon). Use (2) $.75 off coupons here. Final Price is 2/.69.
Nature Made Vitamins - Buy 1 Get 1 Free
-$2.00 off coupon for Vitamin E
Oxy Acne Cleansers, Treatment or Pads 2/$4.99
-$1.50 off printable coupon
Buy 2, get one free coupon
Advil PM or Advil Liqui-Gels $4.49
-$2.00 off printable coupon
School Supplies
HP Printer Paper $3.99
$3.00 off "Click here
Final Price is $.99
Bic Ultra Round Stic Pens are 2/$1. Use with the $1.00/2 Bic Stationery Products here or here or from the 8/10 coupon insert. Final Price is FREE !
Not an Internet Printable, but worth mentioning!
Band-Aids are on sale $2.99. Buy 2 and receive $3.00 in Register Rewards. Use (2) $.50/1 coupons in 8/10 SmartSource insert and -$1.00 IVC coupon from Walgreen's Kids Book (found in pharmacy area.) Final Price is .98/2.Clothing Allowance vs Back to School Shopping
When I was a teenager I moved from my mom's house in Virginia Beach, VA to my dad's house in Pensacola, FL. My stepfather was in the military and scheduled to transfer again and I was tired of moving. I had already changed schools 8 times and I was about to begin high school. I wanted to stay in one school my entire four years of high school so my two younger brothers and I moved in with my dad and stepmother the summer before my 9th grade year.
My mom and dad are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to finances. My mom is not wise with money - she gets what she wants when she wants it no matter what the cost - therefore she struggles all the time. My dad is what you would call a "cheapskate" but he has a lot to show for himself.
When we went to live with my dad many years ago we all had to get used to a new way of life. He and my stepmom now had three children in their home full-time instead of just during the summer months. They were self-employed and had to do a major overhaul of their finances I am sure. All I know is we never did without. All of our needs were provided for - and we learned some valuable financial lessons along the way.
During this time of year, when back-to-school shopping sales are rampant, I am always reminded of what my dad did for me during high school. They never took me "Back-to-School" clothes shopping like a lot of families do. He gave me a monthly clothes allowance of $25.00 all year long. That was it - $300.00 - that was my clothes allowance for the year. I received extra clothes as gifts for my birthday and Christmas but other than that I had to make that $300.00 stretch the best way I knew how. It didn't take me long to find out what great bargains could be found at yard sales and the flea market! I also never found the urge to splurge on designer duds - I would have had to save for months for that!
I passed this lesson on to my own daughters and I'm still working on Dakota. The girls never got into the pricey name brand designer clothes - preferring to purchase more outfits by paying less for each piece. Even now the first rack they head for in a store is the clearance or sales rack.
Unfortunately, Dakota is a little more influenced by my mom's "buy whatever you want, whenever you want" mentality so he is more on the spoiled side...I'm the cheapskate in his eyes - but that's okay. I tell him "you'll appreciate these lessons one day, just like I appreciate them now." Thanks dad!
My mom and dad are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to finances. My mom is not wise with money - she gets what she wants when she wants it no matter what the cost - therefore she struggles all the time. My dad is what you would call a "cheapskate" but he has a lot to show for himself.
When we went to live with my dad many years ago we all had to get used to a new way of life. He and my stepmom now had three children in their home full-time instead of just during the summer months. They were self-employed and had to do a major overhaul of their finances I am sure. All I know is we never did without. All of our needs were provided for - and we learned some valuable financial lessons along the way.
I passed this lesson on to my own daughters and I'm still working on Dakota. The girls never got into the pricey name brand designer clothes - preferring to purchase more outfits by paying less for each piece. Even now the first rack they head for in a store is the clearance or sales rack.
Unfortunately, Dakota is a little more influenced by my mom's "buy whatever you want, whenever you want" mentality so he is more on the spoiled side...I'm the cheapskate in his eyes - but that's okay. I tell him "you'll appreciate these lessons one day, just like I appreciate them now." Thanks dad!
Deafening noise
When Greg and I went out to eat last week, it was just beginning to get dark when we got to the restaurant. We got out of the truck and we were greeted with this noise in the trees around us - we stood there and stared in amazement for a few minutes at how loud the sound was. If I didn't know better I would have thought there were thousands of these in the trees...I'm sure there were probably only a few.
Freebies FYI
Are you getting freebies? I have been posting a freebie list every Friday for a few months now. If you have been signing up for these freebies, you should be getting them by now.
When I was away this past weekend I got to thinking about how my life has changed this past year. This time last year I was unaware of the CVS/Walgreen shopping game, how to bargain shop using coupons, how to take advantage of freebies and samples from manufacturers and suppliers.
As I was preparing to go to our cookout Saturday night, I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner that I received free in the mail, and the deodorant and body wash I used was from a free sample I requested. All of these items were packed inside my free cosmetic bag I received. I am constantly amazed at how blessed we are to receive the items we receive simply for the asking.
When requesting samples, only request samples you know you are going to use or you can give to a family member or friend. If you aren't going to use it or pass it on, don't request it just for the sake of getting as much as you can.
I set up a telephone number on AIM (it's FREE) a long time ago. It's called AOL Voicemail Service and you can record your own voice to greet callers and let them know to leave you a message. Then when you receive a call, if you are signed into AIM a box will pop up telling you who is calling and give you the option of answering it or sending it to voicemail. If you are not signed into AIM it will go directly to voicemail and you will receive an email that you have missed a call. When I fill out ANYTHING online this is the phone number I use. I very rarely even check this number or the voicemails because I know that most of the time it is just advertisers anyway.
Next, I have talked about this before but I just can't say enough good things about this program so I am going to bring it up again - ROBOFORM! I love, love, love this program! When I go to a samples page to request a sample normally there is a form you have to fill out with all your info (name, address, phone number, married, sex, dob, etc) - I have all of that information stored in my Roboform so I click one button on my task bar and it enters ALL of that information for me! The only other button I have to hit is the "submit" button and I am done in 1 sec. This is a major timesaver.
Okay...here's a few Freebies for you - go sign up for your samples!
Tide Total Care
Eucerin Intensive Repair Foot Creme
When I was away this past weekend I got to thinking about how my life has changed this past year. This time last year I was unaware of the CVS/Walgreen shopping game, how to bargain shop using coupons, how to take advantage of freebies and samples from manufacturers and suppliers.
As I was preparing to go to our cookout Saturday night, I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner that I received free in the mail, and the deodorant and body wash I used was from a free sample I requested. All of these items were packed inside my free cosmetic bag I received. I am constantly amazed at how blessed we are to receive the items we receive simply for the asking.
When requesting samples, only request samples you know you are going to use or you can give to a family member or friend. If you aren't going to use it or pass it on, don't request it just for the sake of getting as much as you can.
I set up a telephone number on AIM (it's FREE) a long time ago. It's called AOL Voicemail Service and you can record your own voice to greet callers and let them know to leave you a message. Then when you receive a call, if you are signed into AIM a box will pop up telling you who is calling and give you the option of answering it or sending it to voicemail. If you are not signed into AIM it will go directly to voicemail and you will receive an email that you have missed a call. When I fill out ANYTHING online this is the phone number I use. I very rarely even check this number or the voicemails because I know that most of the time it is just advertisers anyway.
Next, I have talked about this before but I just can't say enough good things about this program so I am going to bring it up again - ROBOFORM! I love, love, love this program! When I go to a samples page to request a sample normally there is a form you have to fill out with all your info (name, address, phone number, married, sex, dob, etc) - I have all of that information stored in my Roboform so I click one button on my task bar and it enters ALL of that information for me! The only other button I have to hit is the "submit" button and I am done in 1 sec. This is a major timesaver.
Okay...here's a few Freebies for you - go sign up for your samples!
Tide Total Care
Eucerin Intensive Repair Foot Creme
Toon-ful Tuesday
Monday, August 11, 2008
I am NOT paying full price
This weekend when we were at the beach house Greg was out fishing Friday night and he was getting eaten up by flies. I had forgotten to bring our bug spray with us so I told him I would run to the store (there was a CVS about 2 miles down the road and I was just dying to go in there since I had not been shopping there all week! LOL) Dakota wanted to come with me though and he HATES shopping with me in CVS because I like to take my time and walk up and down each aisle - and well, he's a boy and just doesn't get into that sort of thing.
Greg requested bug spray, Lay's chips, and Lipton Diet Green Tea (6 pk). Dakota requested Dasani water (24pk), Oreo cookies, Cheetos Jumbo Puffs, 2 Gatorade drinks, and a Reese's cup candy. (Dakota was with me and just kept throwing junk in the cart until I finally put a halt to it!) After putting those items in the cart and doing a quick calculation in my head I realized the total of those items alone came to $32.03!!!
Yikes! There was no way I was paying that much money for all of that junk! So, guess what I did?
I bought ALL OF THIS (pictured below) along with the other stuff (mentioned above) and I only spent $23.52 cash!
Isn't that amazing!? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE CVS because of this exact reason. By using my coupons, and extracare bucks I was able to get so much more for less money out of my own pocket.
Greg requested bug spray, Lay's chips, and Lipton Diet Green Tea (6 pk). Dakota requested Dasani water (24pk), Oreo cookies, Cheetos Jumbo Puffs, 2 Gatorade drinks, and a Reese's cup candy. (Dakota was with me and just kept throwing junk in the cart until I finally put a halt to it!) After putting those items in the cart and doing a quick calculation in my head I realized the total of those items alone came to $32.03!!!
Yikes! There was no way I was paying that much money for all of that junk! So, guess what I did?
I bought ALL OF THIS (pictured below) along with the other stuff (mentioned above) and I only spent $23.52 cash!
Not quite the weekend I expected...but what I needed
We were supposed to get out to the beach house around 2:00 on Friday but Greg was delayed at work and after several stops on the way out there it was close to 6:00 by the time we finally got there and unloaded the car. That was when we were supposed to be meeting our friends at the campground for the cookout. I wanted to lay down for a few minutes and rest and I asked Greg if he minded. My darling husband said he didn't care what we did - it was completely up to me. So I did the "unthinkable" for me - I turned off my cell phone (because I knew our friends were going to start calling wondering where we were) and I grabbed a DVD and went to lay down and watch a movie and rest. Greg went fishing on the pier and Dakota went back and forth between watching the movie with me, fishing with Greg and playing his xbox.
We had not gone to the store on the way out because we were anticipating going back out to the cookout and thought we would run by the store then. Around 9:00 pm I got up and told Greg I would go to the store - my real reason was I wanted to run into CVS which was about 2 miles down the road! LOL (see my next post for THAT story)
Dakota and I got back from CVS around 10:00 and Greg was still out fishing. We sat with him on the pier for awhile because it was a beautiful night! The weather was absolutely perfect all weekend. Greg stayed out fishing until about 3:00 a.m. He did catch this beautiful redfish around midnight - just before I retired for the evening so I could take his picture. Planned that just right didn't he? lol
Dakota moved from the bed to the couch and fell back asleep
The stresses of the last week or two (with the house-hunting and purchase) have caught up with me and kicked my fibromyalgia into overtime so by Saturday evening I was unable to sleep because of my back pain. When we got up Sunday morning to get ready to go to the Beach Worship service I was having a hard time standing up straight to walk. Greg wanted me to stay at the house but I had already had 1000 questions as to why we weren't there Friday night and then why we weren't there Saturday...I could only imagine what it would be like if I didn't show up for worship! I told him I would just go until we had lunch and then he could bring me back to the house and he and Dakota could hang out the rest of the day.
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