Dakota loves shrimp and he normally orders shrimp or a hamburger whenever we go out anywhere. He noticed the price next to the shrimp dinner $15.99 and he said "I guess I'll get a hamburger...look at the price of that shrimp dinner!" I am a penny pincher - he knows that (he actually calls me a tightwad - LOL) so bless his heart he just knew I wasn't going to let him spend that much on a dinner.
I told him "Go ahead and get whatever you want on the menu...it' on me!"
He looked at me suspiciously and said..."well, actually it's on daddy."
Greg said "No son, it's on your mommy tonight - she's treating us to dinner - get whatever you want."
Then I told him the news - how we were blessed with the $100 gift card - and he could in fact order whatever he wanted.
After appetizer, entrees, dessert (for Dakota) and tip we almost blew that whole gift card in one evening! Amazing - but oh so good!!
Pleeeease show me how to get free food!!!!
can you believe someone gave me a tip for christmas on a outback steakhouse gift certificate for only $20.00. talk about great rolls ... they were delicious.!!debra.p@live.com. love your blog!!!!
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