My best friend is an ovarian cancer survivor - for 6 years now. I told her story here if you'd like to read about her miraculous recovery. Because of her, my family has gotten involved the last few years with the American Cancer Society's annual Relay For Life. We have such a great time at this annual fundraising event. This was CJ & I at our 2006 Relay for Life booth.
Can you tell we had a Spongebob theme going on?
In 2007 we didn't get to decorate as much as we wanted to because CJ & her husband had their new baby and we were all pretty busy during this time. Her husband and I kind of threw some decorations together at the last minute - I completely forgot to take a picture of our tent last year!This is CJ and her precious baby, Caleb, taking her victory lap around the track to start the Relay events. This is how they start the Relay off - all the survivors take a couple of laps around the track.
I LOVE to dance! I talked Dakota into getting out there with me and dancing last year. Our favorite dance was the Cha-cha Slide. He learned the Electric Slide too.
CJ hasn't been feeling very well for a few months. She has been going through some testing and she had found out that most of her tests results were good. However, she was in CA last week on business (I was working for her while she was out of town.) While she was gone she got word that her doctor needed to see her right away - so we are all praying again that this isn't anything sweet friend is just praying for God's will.
Me and CJ (on the right) and another great friend of ours,
Debbie (on the left).
This picture was taken at a Sunday School social back in October 2007.
During one of our weekend "girls" getaways her husband brought his boat out so all the ladies could ski and ride around in the boat. He brought their sweet baby and CJ and Caleb took a little nap together. I snuck in and took a picture of Caleb lovin' on his mommy!
Caleb and his daddy on the boat...he LOVES to ride (and drive) the boat. This family is such a special family - I love them dearly and I am praying for my precious friend and her latest round of tests she has had to go through.
If you have never participated in Relay for Life, I encourage you to get involved. If you would like to make a donation to our team, Walk By Faith, you can do that here. Or you can go to American Cancer Society and find a local event to get out and support.
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