Tuesday, April 8, 2008

End of Tradition

My grandmother is 16 years older than my mother. My mother is 20 years older than me. I am 20 years older than my twin daughters. One of my twins is 16 years older than her first born.

My daughters are now 20 years old. They are both happily married. Felicia has 2 boys and has been married for 4 years. Praise God!
Tina has a darling 16-mo-old daughter and has been married for 2 years. Thank you Jesus!

As they got closer to their 20th birthday the pressure was on...which one was going to get pregnant and carry on the "tradition" of having a birthday 20 years apart from their child? Neither one of them wanted another child right now but neither one of them wanted to see this tradition go by the wayside either. Tina had a little scare back in January where she thought she was pregnant....she wasn't very happy about it no matter how much I talked about children being a blessing from God and how great a mom she is - she didn't want to hear it! Haha

We've now reached the point of no return - the tradition has ended.

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