I'm not sure if I mentioned it on my blog that I made the decision NOT to go on the Brazil mission trip this year. I actually made this decision back in March. With trying to get debt paid off I just didn't feel right about going two years in a row. This year's trip is earlier so that didn't leave me much time for fundraising.

The group leaves next Friday. I feel such a sadness coming over me because I'm not going. When I left last year, I had told these children I was going to try to come back this year and I was so eager to go back and see them. Our church works in partnership with 4 Brazilian churches planting new churches in Montes Claros and other outlying villages so we have a relationship we have formed with these church members. I keep up with a few of them via myspace and orkut (through very rough translation services on the internet.) One of the translators we worked with last year continues to give me a hard time because he wants me to learn Portuguese and I am not learning it fast enough "for him." LOL It is such a hard language!
My mom is going on this trip. She will be in charge of the Vacation Bible School every day and spreading the gospel in the schools over there. I am so excited for her! She has never been on a mission trip before so I can not wait to live vicariously through her experiences when she returns.
As hard as it is to watch that bus pull out without me I know everything happens for a reason. I praise God that I am staying here and not leaving the country right now...for 2 reasons.
1) Tina & Bryant are coming in town while the Brazil team is out of town. They are going house hunting in Albany, GA where they'll be moving in another month or so and they have asked me to babysit Bailee (my grand-daughter) overnight. Yippeee!!

2) My best friend CJ started her chemo last Monday and she is so very sick. She had to be put in the hospital this past weekend because she hasn't been able to keep any food down and she was dehydrated. Please keep her in your prayers.

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