Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Meme - 7 things about me

Rebekah over at Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe tagged me for a meme about 2 weeks ago and I forgot about it until today so here goes....

Here are the rules if you decide to play along:
1) Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4) Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

This is hard to think of 7 things!
1) I learned how to drive on a motorcycle before I drove a car. I began driving motorcycles all around my neighborhood and country roads when I was 14 yrs old. I love motorcycles!!

2) I used to dance several nights a week at a country bar. An old boyfriend and I loved to swing dance - he would throw me up in the air, around his waist and over his back. It was so much fun! We were asked to dance in a couple of commercials. While dancing for the commercial we had to dance over and over and over and we were both worn out. He went to flip me one time and I kicked him upside the head with my cowboy boots and just about knocked him out. It's all on tape - such a "lovely" scene. LOL

3) I'm growing my hair out long so I can cut it off for Locks of Love and then I'll start over again. My husband and son love my long hair so much though, I'm not sure how they are going to handle it when I cut it...haha.

4) Hurricane season is going to start next month...I love hurricanes. I know, I know...sadistic isn't it?! I don't like all the destruction they cause when they are Cat 3 or higher but they are fascinating to me. Dakota and I go out to the beach the day before a hurricane comes because the force of the waves is amazing to see! I stay glued to the Weather channel to watch the Tropical Updates during Hurricane season.

5) I am starting a Teen Pregnancy Ministry at my church with a good friend of mine. We are having a Baby Shower Kickoff event at the end of May....lots to do!!

6) I am fascinated by all the CSI TV shows - if and when I turn on the TV (I very seldom watch TV) I automatically go to the guide to see if there is a CSI show on that I can watch. If there's not one of those to watch then I watch Nick at Night. That's it...I never turn the TV on any other time.

7) I enjoy going to the movies by myself. We have a Dollar Movie here in town and I try to go there several times a month all by my lonesome. I grab an Icee and a small popcorn and catch a flick. It's great to sit there and laugh or cry without somebody talking to me or watching me cry!

I tag Gina from Six in the Country, my friend Telle from Telle's World (to help her jumpstart her blog!), Michelle over at Gabe-the-BabeStille because she has a very interesting way of raising her son and I can't wait to hear more fascinating facts about herself, Claire because she needs to get out of her writing slump, Marshamlow at Family Adventures, AlaneM at Confessions of a SAHM, and finally Angie at Thifty Florida Mama - she is so awesome with all her advice!


Claire said...

Woman, I don't think Locks of Love takes colored hair, and you just colored yours!!!! You'd better check on that.

I swear, if we didn't live on opposite coasts, we'd totally be hanging out. It's fun learning new things about bloggy friends!

Thanks for the tag. :-) I'm off to post.

Unknown said...

I did check on it....they don't take bleached hair, but they will take colored hair! LOL

Rebekah said...

Swing Dancing! that is soo cool.