Tina, Bryant & Bailee were flying in on the 4th and "supposed" to arrive around 4:30 and meet everyone at my dad's beach house for a cookout/ "Welcome Home" party. Their plane was delayed 3 hours due to bad weather. By the time they got there we had just started eating - it was close to 7:30. Poor Bailee was exhausted after her long day of flying and sitting in airports!

While everyone was eating, Bailee kept begging to walk down to the water. She calls the water "widdi wee." Tina takes her swimming at the pool at their apartment all the time. She loves to float around by herself and jump right in. She really has to be watched around the water because she has no fear! Pops (Greg) took her down to the water. They sat on the pier and watched the minnows for awhile. Pops was Bailee's new best friend because he took her to the widdi wee...

Dakota thought it would be fun to take his Rock Band game over to the beach house for everybody to play on. It took awhile but I think almost everyone tried it. This is Deborah (my stepmom) trying the drums. That's the hardest instrument for me!

Tina and Bryant got into playing Rock Band...and LOVED IT! We stayed up late playing this on the 4th so we just ended up spending the night. Greg fished all night and Dakota and I played Rock Band with Tina & Bryant.

Before everyone else left for the night and we got started playing Rock Band, Greg and Dakota put on a fireworks show for us...for about an hour. Greg had taken Dakota to a huge fireworks warehouse he had never been in before and let him pick out all different types to try. Dakota had a "blast" literally!

The next day, Bailee finally got to play in the water. She found out real quick though that this widdi wee isn't like her water in the pool back home....this has waves and splashes her face when she tries to float - and she doesn't like to be held by daddy! She still loved it though. She is laughing in this picture (it kind of looks like she is crying!)

There are two of these herons that stay around the beach house because my dad feeds them minnows from the cast net all the time. As soon as you throw the cast net, they come up real close and stand there waiting patiently for their meal. It's amazing how close they let us get to them before they'll start slowly walking away.

Greg fished all night Friday night and got up early Saturday morning and fished most of the morning and early afternoon. I took a nap in this hammock on the porch before lunchtime. He got it after lunchtime and took a long nap. We both agreed this was the BEST place to sleep in the whole house!!
I could spend a weekend like that- out on the beach. I need to plan a trip to the beach. The boys have only been to the ocean a handful of times and the girls have never been. How can that be?
Yeah, you guys have the RV now...just bring it on down here and set it up! You'll probably just have to take out a small loan for the GAS!!! Grrrrr
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