I used to be an avid scrapbooker...when I took pictures with my 35 mm camera. Once my husband bought me an awesome digital camera (as a gift) I lost the desire to scrapbook. Now I simply upload my photos to my computer to Picasa (a free picture storage service from Google.) Once I have them uploaded into Picasa I can look at each one of them and make adjustments (crop it, take out red eye, lighten the picture, do it in black & white, sepia, or various other alterations.)

I put them in albums and then upload them to my Picasa Web Album so I will have access to them from any computer I'm on. This will also save my pictures in case something happens to my computer. At the end of each year I make a backup CD (or more) of all the pictures from that year so I can then remove them from my computer because they do take up a lot of space. But they are still in my web album anytime I need to access them.
Here's the
link if you want more information about Picasa. This is what Works For Me!
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Works For Me tips, visit
Rocks In My Dryer.
cool tip! I've looked at Picasa but haven't done anything with it and I have a gazillion pics.
How ironic, to find this just a day after...
I just posted on my blog about picasa. I actually cannot figure out how my digital photo's went to picasa instead of the Adobe program that opens upon placing the memory card into our printer. I have some pictures I want to share with friends on my blog but don't know how to get them from picasa to my posts. I'm going to do more research and see about the web album part of picasa...
Thanks for the tip!
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