When Dakota first got into the youth group last year, we went to a parent meeting where Jesse (our youth pastor) let us all know what we could expect from him and what he would be discussing with the kids throughout the year. I had always thought Dakota and I had a pretty good line of communication going as far as sex was concerned. He asked me questions and I answered them - no problem. I would also take advantage of opportunities (in movies for instance) where something was not in align with God's word and discuss why it was wrong or why I believed the way I did. I must say though when Jesse said NOTHING was off limits, he meant NOTHING was off limits...I was a little nervous at first.
That was last year. It has been a wonderful year for Dakota. He has an accountability group he meets and prays with and he has matured so much this last year. He and I went to dinner recently and he was asking me some questions about sex. We were casually talking about it and he told me he was so glad that we could just have a normal conversation about sex. He said he gets frustrated when Jesse is preaching a lesson and some of the younger kids start giggling and making wisecracks and he doesn't understand why they do that. I must admit I was having a hard time containing my own giggles listening to the serious tone in the voice of my 12-yr-old when talking about sex!
This is just how it should be. I'm glad that your son has accountability from such a young age- his wife will thank you:)
How proud you should be! My brother in law was Youth Pastor for years and he did a wonderful job talking sex to teens. I wish I had someone explain it to me that way when I was a teen
Our homeschool group has had a few talks from people who remained pure until marriage, and my daughter is reading "Eyes Wide Open," a book about emotional promiscuity. When talking about sex with our kids, I think there has to be plenty of talk about purity. Of course, keeping one's body pure is only one aspect of God's plan for purity. It's great Dakota can talk to you about sex; my 12yo is not very open about such talk, but we do talk about purity, a lot. :)
Whenever I talked to the girls in our church youth group about sex, I'd ask them questions: Do you feel all excited when you're around boys? Do you think about them a lot? Does it make your heart pound sometimes? Well--that's great! Everything is working just as God designed it to! Now, the challenge is: using all of these powerful feelings in the right way, making correct choices, and understanding the way to be in control of yourself until you're married. That is the right time to use all these powers we've been given to love each other and bring children into the world. It is so important to talk about how they're feeling and not bring shame into it. Sex is a great blessing we've been given when it saved for your marriage.
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