See this picture?? This is my son, Dakota and our newest puppy, Raven - the day before Thanksgiving we were raking leaves in our back yard....
trying to rake leaves but puppy wasn't being very cooperative. As soon as we would get a pile of leaves she would come running and dive bomb them and scatter the pile everywhere.
Anyway the amazing artists at
PhotoFiddle played with this picture (fiddled around with it) and sent me a wonderful piece of art for our living room.

I had planned on making the choice on my own and giving it to my husband for Christmas but there were way too many choices! It was too hard - they were all so good! I had to show him and get his opinion.
This is the stretched canvas artwork we chose and it's now proudly displayed on our living room wall!
Photofiddle would like to offer you, my readers a $50.00 gift certificate to have one of your pictures photofiddled! What I would like for you to do is go visit
Photofiddle, see what they have to offer (it's in the section titled "Click to view Photofiddle Gallery") and come back here and leave me a comment as to which type of "fiddling" is your favorite.
This is open to anyone (non-bloggers included - you just need to leave me an email address so I have a way to reach you.) I will leave this open until Tuesday at midnight. I will pick a number on Wednesday morning and announce the winner at that time.
I like the oil painting type of "fiddling" This site looks great! Email is
I like the charcoal painting. I could think of several of my photos that this would work well with. Great giveaway, thanks!
Wow, I'm glad I visited today. I love this! We purchased a large formal family print this year that was a little less than 100 dollars that I matted and framed beautifully with the intention of updating it every year or so (and just using the same mat and frame) and this is just what I was looking for to order our new prints from. I like the oil painting and the antipasto (is that the name). Those are both GREAT looks. Are they 3D or flat?
Ok I have fallen in love with this. I can't wait to do my own. Here is my email
I like the pop art
What a neat website. It was tough to choose a favorite..but I think the Oil painting is my number one choice. Pop art was a close second. The oil painting look is beautiful..I like the vintage look it gives. The next tough choice would be picking which picture to photofiddle!
My email is
My favorite was definately the oil painting! What a great website!
I cant wait to do some "fiddling" of my own!!
That is so cool.
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