Felicia had her baby in Hawaii this morning!! I talked to Felicia a couple of times yesterday and after they got admitted to the hospital while she was in labor but I could not stay awake after midnight so I told them to call me once the baby was born.
Will (my son-in-law) called around 1:30 a.m. (my time) which is 9:30 Hawaii time to let me know that Shawn William was born and both momma and baby are doing great!! Unfortunately I was half-asleep so the details are fuzzy, but I do remember something about 7 lbs.....lol
Update: Talked to Felicia this morning and here's the details - 7 lbs 13 ozs, 20 inches long. Isn't he a beauty??!!
He is gorgeous! I love newborn babies. They smell so yummy! :)
Congrats, Grammy!
What a wonderful gift! Congratulations to your family. You all must be so excited.
Is that red hair that I see?
awww.... another little one added to our family!!! Ain't he just so cute! Congrats cuz...
Congratulations! Babies are so sweet. I bet your arms are aching
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