When I was in GA last week, we drove over to Americus, GA to the
Global Village & Discovery Center sponsored by Habitat for Humanity. This was an afternoon well-spent! It was free, educational and humbling to walk through the village and be reminded how people in other parts of the world live on so little.

I was not aware that Habitat for Humanity built homes outside of the United States. That's what this entire Village was set up for - to bring awareness of the needs both here in the USA and abroad. We began the day by watching a 10 minute film on how Habitat for Humanity got started and how it has grown. To date they have built a little over 200,000 homes! The goal by 2011 is to build 400,000.

Once we finished with the film we began our journey by walking through the Poverty Housing.

This area was set up just like a small village with a tiny grocery store, barber shop, school house, homes, etc. All of it was in a horrible condition and there were pictures showing people actually living in these conditions so everyone who visits this area knows and understands that this is real life for people.
Once we got through this area, we started walking from one country to the next where actual houses were built that Habitat builds in those particular countries. They were decorated inside and we could walk around and look at them. There were pictures set up inside showing families actually living in the "new" Habitat houses.

There were so many houses we looked at, I can't show them all to you - this post would go on forever. But here are a few....a house in Guatemala

On a side note: Bailee was so good this whole day!! She enjoyed going from house to house and sitting at a desk or table or laying on a bed. She didn't touch things when we told her not to touch and she was eager to move on to the next house when we were ready to move on. I couldn't believe how well she held up with all the walking we had to do!

This woman in Guatemala in her new home....

How is this for a kitchen??

Home in Botswana

Home in Malawi

Family in Malawi

As we walked around from home to home, we carried passports. Dakota and I shared one. Each home there was a stamp station where you could get your passport stamped and learn a fact about each country. Dakota was in charge of stamping our passport.

This is the bathroom and kitchen in Ghana

Home in Haiti

How blocks are made...

A home in Uganda

A family in Uganda - it's amazing to me that THIS MANY people live in this house!

Dakota was a little disgusted by this "toilet" in a house in India....lol. Of everything he saw, this is what he couldn't take! Haha

Bailee in a home in Sri Lanka - she likes the dolly

Me outside the home built in Papua New Guinea - it's built on stilts because of monsoons.