The steps of this award are to list 6 things we love, then pass it on to 6 lovely bloggers. Okay, so here goes....I love -
1. The sound of YaYa from my grandchildren when they learn to start calling my name. It sounds so precious coming from them.
2. How Dakota (my 12-yr-old) still comes in every night to give me a hug and a kiss before bedtime and he tells me he loves me and I know he means it.
3. My alone time in the morning after Greg has left for work and before Dakota has gotten up...I listen to praise & worship music, read my Bible and then get online. It's my favorite time of the day.
4. thunderstorms, hurricanes and weather phenomena - I am fascinated by the weather and love watching the patterns, jet streams, etc
5. spending time with my best friend, CJ. We don't get to spend as much time together these days because she has been so sick from chemo but I love our time we do get to sit and talk. She is an amazing woman I love dearly.
6. when my husband treats me like I'm the center of his world and a priority in his life.
Okay, now passing this on to 6 lovely bloggers...
Jennifer F. from Conversion Diary - she used to be an atheist and has converted to Christianity...her tales of faithfully serving God whilst raising very young children are encouraging, uplifting and sometimes humorous.
Hunny Bee at It's A Honey of A Life - she is pregnant with baby #2 and dealing with a precocious almost 3-yr-old...her blog will keep you in stitches!
Hinsley at The Oxygen Chronicles - her refreshingly honest account of her struggles and trials she is going through helps you "see" things from another point of view.
Monica at Shine Again - this homeschooling mom of 7 children is amazing and encouraging to read about!
Claire at Two Kids, A GearHead and Me - I tagged her last year, but she needs a jumpstart on her blogging again, so I am going to TAG her again! She is a lovely gal who is so humorous WHEN SHE WRITES! LOL
Alyssa at Keeping the Kingdom First - she is a fellow bargain hunter, frugal shopping queen who puts God first in everything she does. I love following along with her blog!
Wow, I'm so honored! I really appreciate it! I look forward to checking out the other blogs you linked to as well.
Thanks for the award and the mention. It's always nice to get noticed, isn't it? Keep up the great work!
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