Monday, March 24, 2008

Reaching Out

Here I sit, less than 12 hours from a "Meet and Greet" I scheduled for tonight for women who have recently joined the church or who have been visiting lately. The stomach flutters have begun as well as the shaky hands. I always hope and pray that each time I do events like this it will get easier...but it doesn't. I guess if it did then I would be relying on my own strength and not God's strength to get me through this.
Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
I sent out an email last week to the ladies of the church reminding them about the "Meet and Greet" and asking them to bring a dessert with them and to let me know if they planned on attending. I never know what the response is going to be like when I plan events for the Women's Ministry. I'm normally a very optimistic person, except in this area...I always expect the worst and I'm genuinely surprised when there's a good turnout!

At church yesterday the pastor really pushed this "Meet and Greet" and talked about how important it is for the women to come out get to know one another (if they are new here) so I am anxious about this evening and praying that God will use me to reach out to those women looking to fit in somewhere.

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