Well, on Friday Dakota and I went shopping with grandma (i.e. - my mom) all day long and grandma purchased Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock for our new Wii. Greg & I had played this on the marriage retreat back in February and loved it! I had been trying to decide whether to purchase Rock Band or Guitar Hero for our Xbox 360 ever since we came back from the retreat.

Here I am (in FEB) taking a stab at it...at first I didn't want to try because it looked so difficult. Once I tried the first song, I was hooked!

I am not quick to jump into big purchases like this. I have to ask around and get opinions from people who currently have these items to find out which one they prefer and why and then I like to watch sales flyers and check eBay to see if I can ever catch something like this on sale. Since Dakota knows I'm like this and he refers to me as a "cheapskate" (a term I'm very proud of... thank you very much!) he started putting the bug in my ear the moment he opened his Wii.
"Mom, wouldn't it be great to have that Guitar Hero game now?"
"Mom, maybe we could just ride up to EB Games to check out the price and see if they have refurbished games that are cheaper than Wal-mart's games? And you could even use your discount card there mom!" Helpful little booger ain't he?
Well you can imagine how truly excited he was when grandma came to his "rescue" again and purchased this game for him last Friday. We spent the whole weekend competing against each other, trying to outdo one another's scores. This is a fun game! Dakota is kicking our butts in it too! His fingers get to going so fast - I don't know how he keeps up as well as he does.
My son is really into this game too. But he likes to do it on the controller better. I'm glad you finally got your Wii. I've heard from everyone how fun it is!
I watched my son play this once but I just didnt see the fun in it. Maybe I should try it
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