Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Proverbs 31 Woman

I'm teaching a weekly Bible study to a group of women on the Proverbs 31 woman. This has been an awesome Bible study. When I first chose this study it was with a little "resentment" at this superwoman in the Bible that we women of today are supposed to emulate...but as we have proceeded through each section of this study my eyes have been opened to what made this "superwoman" SUPER - her love and devotion to God. She put him first and foremost in her life and everything else just fell into place.

We are just beginning Week 4 - this is only a 6-week study. Week 1 dealt with "The Ideal Woman" and what kind of legacy are we leaving behind. We discussed the world's ideal woman vs. God's ideal woman and the huge differences between the two. Ask yourselves these True/False questions:
  • I worry more about fat grams than having a daily quiet time
  • I would not have a problem going out in public without my makeup
  • My first thought in the morning is "Where is my Bible?" not "What should I wear today?"
  • I would feel more self-worth if I were successful in the business world
  • Looking at a lingerie catalog throws me into a major depression.
  • A bad hair day can affect my whole mood
  • I would rather someone say I am kind-hearted than pretty.
  • I am able to look in a full-length mirror while wearing my swimsuit and say, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

Week 2 discusses "A Woman Who Fears The Lord." God desires our whole heart. The Proverbs 31 woman followed God with a whole-hearted devotion. "But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you" (1 Sam. 12:24)

Week 3 was about "A Woman of Worth" - this is what we discussed yesterday...we had such an awesome discussion! We started off talking about a woman's worth according to the world (which we can tell by the magazines in any checkout line at a supermarket what we are worth to the, sex, sex) compared to what we are worth to God! He sent His son to die FOR US and he doesn't expect anything from us except love and obedience....

The choice is yours:

Worth according to the World: Worth=What you look like, what you do, what others think of you


Worth according to GOD: Worth = Who you are in Christ

"Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14


Kathie Thomas said...

It is so good to see others learning about this wonderful woman and what she can mean to us in our own personal journey in learning to be Proverbs 31 Women.

Bless you

Anonymous said...

I love what this study is teaching/reminding you of. The bathing suit question really got me thinking. (I could answer in a non-worldly way for most of the others, but I've ALWAYS been self-conscious in a bathing suit. I know that isn't what God wants though.) I think the Proverbs 31 woman is put there as an example to show us what we COULD be, to remind us to put God first. Sounds like an uplifting, awesome study!!!