The city we live in has an annual celebration in October at a park's called "Barktoberfest" and it's for the dogs. We attended this event on Saturday - our first time going - and were pleasantly surprised by all the vendors set up giving away FREE food and products for pets; the competitions going on for dogs and various other activities. This event is sponsored by the no-kill Humane Society as a fundraiser. In order to enter competitions participants have to pay an entry fee and vendors have to pay a fee to set up. From what I hear they raised quite a bit of money. We took our black lab down there - he was exhausted by the time we left - so much to smell and do!! LOL
These first two pictures were two of the dogs down there in costume - they are not my dogs - these pictures came out in our local paper the next day after the event took place. The bottom picture is my beloved lab. We didn't put him in costume. He was hot enough as it is - it was near 90 degrees Saturday and he is close to 90 lbs and black - he doesn't need a costume on top of his black coat!

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