So here goes, a quick run-down of what's going on in my life (and keeping me from blogging lately)...
I planned a Surpise Birthday Party for a very special friend two Saturday's ago. I've talked about her on my blog before. She and her family are really going through some trying times right now. They need lots of prayer and I would appreciate it if you would keep them in your prayers. Their last name is Carter. One of their 13-yr-old daughters (she's a twin) is a cancer survivor, but she requires lots of follow-up treatments and has needed several surgeries and things to repair problems from the chemo, etc. In the last two months they've discovered the father possibly has cancer (it's not looking very good) - they are sending him to Houston for more tests on June 15th. Melissa, the mother just had surgery to repair some problems (probably too personal for me to put on here) and she is home recovering from her surgery right now...and still having some complications. She celebrated her 29th birthday a day or two before her surgery and with everything her precious family has been dealing with lately I just wanted to do something special for her.
Here she is realizing everybody is there at the restaurant for HER - she thought it was only going to be three of us, not a whole group. We had a great evening!

Dakota is playing flag football on Saturdays. He has practice on Thursday nights. This has been something completely new to that is, but he is really enjoying playing.
Tina and Bryant came into town last weekend and we spent time with them...
(Greg is tickling Bailee)

I now have Bailee (as of yesterday) for one week so she can go to Vacation Bible School at church this week with me. So far she is doing great being away from mommydaddy - as she calls her parents. She's napping right now so I'm taking advantage of the time to blog!
We've been going to the beach a lot! The weather has been beautiful and the fishing has been great!

I've been working away from my house...the merchandising work I started doing awhile back has picked up and is keeping me busy. This past week alone I had over 20 stores to do (I didn't get them all done...oops! so now I'm scrambling finding a babysitter for Tuesday so I can finish by Tuesday.)
In the midst of ALL of that we have been upgrading things in our home so we've been shopping shopping shopping like crazy and I can finally say I am sick of bargain shopping! I'm so tired of running from store to store and website to website looking and comparing styles, models, prices...ugh - just go get what you want and be done with it!
We are still looking for a shed for our back yard but we just haven't settled on a price we are both happy with. I'm so tired of looking for it though.
Anyway, that's a small glimpse of my life the last couple of weeks. Hopefully things will slow down here soon and I can catch up on all my bloggy friends' lives too. Hope life is treating you well!
1 comment:
I have had the hardest time being able to leave comments on your blog. I've had the same problem with some others too- so its not just yours.
I still read your posts in my bloglines, I just cant comment
I did play a game of tag with your blog. You dont have to play but it is fun.
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