We have been in our house for one month today!!
Whoohooo....I can't believe it has been a month already!
God has been so good and gracious to us this past month. When we moved in to our new house we had beds to sleep in, clothes to wear and a few other odds and ends. We needed furniture, everything for the kitchen (pots/pans, dishes, etc), and all the "little" things you take for granted in your everyday use around the house. I can't tell you how many quick trips we had to take to the store the first week we moved in because we NEEDED something. Good thing we live in town now and Target is just around the corner one way and Walmart is down the road the other way.
Greg is an assistant manager at his job. He receives monthly and quarterly bonuses based on the performance of his team of 100+ employees. We are always amazed at the timing of some of his "huge" bonuses - they always come right when we could really use the extra money...like when we moved into this house and needed to buy everything. Because we had the extra money we were able to afford to pay more for good quality cookware, flatware and things of that nature - I am so thankful for this!
I already shared with you how Greg's parents blessed us with a dining room table so this area went from looking like this......

to looking like this every night now and it is a wonderful feeling to be able to prepare a meal and sit down and eat together as a family at a table!

This past week we received another amazing blessing we were not expecting! My ex-husband never paid child support when our three children were young. Greg supported my children from the time we were married when they were 10 & 8 years old (my twins were 8.) It hasn't been until the last few years since the Dept. of Revenue started cracking down on my ex that he has been any kind of consistent with his weekly support but he is thousands and thousands of dollars in arrears so he'll probably be paying me until he dies. Anyway...I guess he must have filed his taxes last year (something he also doesn't do regularly) because I received a
HUGE deposit last week courtesy of a tax intercept of my ex's!! Thank you Jesus! Because of that we didn't have to keep saving for our couch...I was able to go purchase our new couch and pay all our bills for the month.
So now our living room doesn't look like this anymore......

We finally have a couch (thanks to my ex! LOL)-----Dakota was on the laptop last night and left everything out...can't ya tell? haha

Here is what Dakota's room looked like before.....

He is still sleeping - lol - he doesn't know I snuck in there and took this picture. You can see his head poking out from the covers on his pillow.
He normally keeps his room really clean but we just got home from GA yesterday and his backpacks are still laying around on the floor where he hasn't unpacked them and put things away. Can ya tell he follows his daddy's liking of FL Gators?
Right now he has a HUGE tv in his room which will eventually go in the living room. We are going to buy him one of the small flat panels and put it up on his wall - which will free up some space in his room. He also doesn't want his futon/bunk bed anymore so we have to find him another bed eventually.

Dakota's bathroom-he wanted the black/white theme. He has taken ownership of his bathroom and keeps it clean! I am shocked!!

The back yard before we moved in.....

My back yard now....I love my back yard! We have a hummingbird garden started and when I was out of town last week my husband bought me a bird feeder and put it up out there for me!! We have so many birds, butterflies, dragonflies and hummingbirds that fly around out here all day long. I absolutely love to sit out here every morning and just watch and listen and thank God for the many blessings.......