Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Great Weekend!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Ladies Weekend Getaway
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Can't sleep - too much on my mind...
After spending this past weekend in the sun (I wore a hat all weekend and sat in the shade as much as possible) I woke up this morning with this rash on my face. Upon examination by the dermatologist she told me first that I have rosacea (which I already knew...I haven't taken medicine for that in a couple of years though so she gave me some more medicine to take for that) and then secondly that she wants to test me for Lupus!! After we talked some more, we discovered that I have some other common symptoms of Lupus that I had seen my primary care doctor for but all the symptoms had not been linked together. So I went and had about 6 tubes of blood drawn today and now I wait...for 48 long hours.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Dakota!!

We've been asking him for a couple of months what he would like for his birthday and the answer is always the same "ummm, nothing, except maybe a Wii..."
Yeah, right, like THAT'S gonna happen! This kid already has a Nintendo, Xbox, Playstation and a laptop...a Wii is NOT in the forseeable future. Since he couldn't come up with anything else he wanted we chose to take him and his best friend to a waterpark this weekend. We spent the night in a hotel close to the waterpark so the two of them could swim in the pool all evening and then we spent all day at the waterpark. It was so much fun!! Although I must admit I think we would have had much more fun if we had left his friend at home. His friend was not into riding rides (so Dakota and his daddy or the three of us rode everything together) and he's not very sociable and we had to keep spending time looking for him because he wandered off several times....after the 3rd time of doing this I had had enough and said "That's it! We are leaving!!" Note to self: next time we go we are not taking anybody else!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Minneapolis Bridge Collapse - Too close for comfort!

I was in shock! My mom flew from Pensacola to Minneapolis yesterday for her annual Creative Memories Convention she goes to every year....I used to go to this a couple of years ago when I was a CM Consultant. We knew she was going to be in this area where this bridge collapsed! I asked my dad when was the last time he had talked to her and he said about 4:30 yesterday afternoon when she was on her way to the hotel from the airport....this collapse happened around 6:00! She called us at 6:30 a.m. this morning to let us know she was safe and said she had just gone across this bridge 30 minutes before the collapse! Praise God!! She was safe and sitting in her hotel room. How sad for those that perished in this tragic accident!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Homeschool - The Search Begins....