I am headed to GA to celebrate my precious Bailee's 3rd birthday. She is an angel. I love this sweet baby so much!

She and Tina came and stayed with us for a week in October. Bailee's daddy (a Marine) has been traveling a lot the last two months and he was going to be gone for the whole week so Tina decided to come to town and spend that week with friends and family.

Unfortunately I had to work a lot during that time. I worked a couple of really late nights trying to clear my schedule for Friday so I could be off and spend the whole day with my Bailee-boo before they left the next day. Friday was our day...YaYa & Bailee. I laughed so much that day. The things she says are hilarious!
She is trying to smell my flowers in my butterfly garden.

Bailee and my puppy Raven are "best friends." She calls him Ray-Ray. Here she is tickled because of one of
Ray-Ray's habits...drinking out of my birdbath!

After she watched the dog drinking from the birdbath she decided she would play in it too and she proceeded to make
leaf soup for my birdies.

We had the chance to visit the fair while they were in town...Bailee loved the petting zoo! (Poor bunny!)

She enjoyed the big ferris wheel until we reached the top everytime and then she snuggled close to her mommy...it was extremely windy that day and the wind was much worse the higher we went.

Her daddy is going to be out of town this weekend working so he won't be there for her birthday party. He took his little princess out for a date one night this week. She was so excited to go out with her daddy!
One thing I DO know about you is that you looooove some Bailee! She is SOOOO cute!
Aww- she is so cute. Happy birthday Bailee
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