Monday, September 15, 2008

Hummingbird Garden

My dad is an avid gardener. Now that I have my own house I have been getting gardening tips (and plants/cuttings) from my dad. He gave me 4 shrimp plants to start off my own hummingbird garden. Amazing thing - when I was sitting in my yard the other day contemplating where to put my garden - a hummingbird was flitting around. There's already one out here flying around!

Yesterday Greg and I worked on getting these into the ground. There are only 4 shrimp plants in there and you can't see them over the white fencing but they will grow and multiply quite nicely (or so I hear...if I didn't screw anything up! LOL)
This is what the shrimp plant looks like when it blooms...kind of neat isn't it?

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